Do Ci Dizzy
This dance by Bob Howell is for facing trios or triplets. It uses “right ends Dosado, left ends Dosado, and lines of 3 Dosado”.
This dance by Bob Howell is for facing trios or triplets. It uses “right ends Dosado, left ends Dosado, and lines of 3 Dosado”.
This dance for facing trios is by Ken Kernen. It uses “Circle Six”, “Dosado”, and centers turn the dancer on their right by the right and turn the dancer on the left by left.
This Sicilian Circle by Calvin Campbell has an optional genderless calls version. It includes arm turns, circles and a Dive Thru.
This Sicilian Circle uses the classic framework with a Right Pass Thru and a Left Pass Thru.
This Sicilian Circle by Bob Howell uses the Classic Sicilian Circle framework, but includes a partner swing.
Variation of Wizard Sicilian for genderless youth dancing.
Sanita Hill by Ed Durlacher is an early version of a commonly used framework for simple Sicilian Circle dances. These combinations of Circles, Stars, and Dosado are very successful and satisfying.
OXO Alternate is a more difficult version of the OXO Reel. Because only one couple moves to the bottom each time, the mix of dancers in the groups changes each time.
OXO Reel is a proper contra for 6 couples. The OXO refers to Circles and Stars danced simultaneously by the 3 groups of 4.
Kid’s Contra is a genderless proper contra. It includes Forward and Back, Arm Turns, and a tunnel.