Category: Trios One-Way

Wild Turkey

This one-way trio mixer by Bob Howell uses “center turn dancer on the right by the right and turn dancer on the left by the left”.

Theil’s Trio

This one-way trio mixer by Jack Theil uses walk, back up, claps, stamps, “center turn dancer on right by the right, and center turn dancer on left by left”.

Texas Shootout

This one-way trio mixer by Bob Howell uses “Right hands high and the left two under”, Stars and Circles.

Rebecca’s Roundabout

This one-way trio mixer by Hugh Ripon uses Circles, Stars, and “Centers duck thru and go right, duck thru and go left, duck thru and move on (and/or change places)”.

New Craze

This one-way trio or small group dance by Ken Kernen uses walk, backup, stamps, claps, and Stars.