Category: With Some Footwork

White Silver Sands

A classic mixer with walk forward then turn around and back up

Vogue Mixer

This mixer requires quick footwork and some agility.

Virginny Mixer

A simple mixer that can be used with other music.

‘t Smidje (The Blacksmith)

A popular Belgian folk dance with walk forward then turn and back up

Tennessee Wig Walk

A peppy dance with Point, Side, Behind, Side, Close.

Patty Cake Polka Mixer

This is a traditional folk dance with several variations providing flexibility in usage.

Otto’s Opener

A simple mixer with Vine and California Twirl

Otto’s Fancy

A circle mixer with a solo grand square action.

Jingle Bell Rock Mixer

This is a nice dance for use before Christmas or during the winter. Other music will work for other times of the year.

Grand Colonel Mixer

64-count mixer adaptable to music of your choice