Tag: BDP

Pittsfield Circle

This Sicilian Circle by Ken Kernen uses Star Promenades.

First Night Sicilian

This Sicilian Circle by Calvin Campbell has an optional genderless calls version. It includes arm turns, circles and a Dive Thru.

Cicily Circle

This Sicilian Circle by Ken Kernen uses the calls in the classic framework but beginning with Stars. Also see Scones and Tea.

Sicilian Circle #37

This Sicilian Circle by Jerry Helt uses the classic framework with “Ladies Chain” and “Promenade once and a bit more”.

Hello My Baby Sicilian

This Sicilian Circle by Ken Kernen uses the classic Sicilian framework with “U-Turn Back” and “Dosado”.

Sunshine Circle

This Sicilian Circle uses the classic framework with a Right Pass Thru and a Left Pass Thru.

Happy Circle

This Sicilian Circle by Bob Howell uses the Classic Sicilian Circle framework, but includes a partner swing.

Youth Sicilian

Variation of Wizard Sicilian for genderless youth dancing.

Wizard Sicilian

This Sicilian Circle by Bob Howell uses the Classic Sicilian Circle framework with “Ladies Dosado” and “Gents Dosado”.

Sanita Hill Circle

Sanita Hill by Ed Durlacher is an early version of a commonly used framework for simple Sicilian Circle dances. These combinations of Circles, Stars, and Dosado are very successful and satisfying.