Category: Square Dances

Gordo’s Quadrille

This quadrille by Jack Murtha uses “Heads Lead Right, Split Two around one down the middle Right and Left Thru”.

First Night Quadrille

This quadrille by Bob Dalsemer uses “Heads Star Right to corner, Allemande Left, Grand Right and Left”.

DoSaDo and Face the Sides Quadrille

This quadrille by Ted Sannella uses “Center four Star Right Left, turn corner by the left”.

Coronado Quadrille

This quadrille by Don Armstrong uses “Head Ladies Chain to the right”.

Stars and Stripes Quadrille

This Quadrille by Jerry Helt uses both “Ladies Chain” and “Right and Left Thru” from the Square formation.

Sampsonville Quadrille Figure One

This is an easy visiting couple quadrille figure. Lady #1 to the right and Gent #1 to the left, circle three hands around, on to the next and four hands around, lady right and gent left, circle three hands around, couple #1 swing.

French Eight Idea

This is a very simple, genderless square dance figure. Couple #1 go across and pick up Couple #3, pull them in, push them back, return home.