Category: Circle Mixers

All Spice Mixer

All Spice Mixer is a simple 32-count dance for couples facing into a circle. Circle Left and Right with some Side Close footwork; Ladies forward and Curtse; Gents forward and Bow and back out to right.

Ten O’Clock Mixer

Ten O’Clock is a delightful 64-count circle mixer using Heel and Toe footwork and two concentric circles moving in opposite directions. The other calls are Forward and Back, Left Arm Turn, and Swing.

Pumpkin Mixer

Pumpkin Mixer is a 32-count double circle (gents outside, ladies inside) mixer using claps, arm touch, hip bumps, stamps and a sideways progression.

Molly Mixer

Molly Mixer is a 64-count circle mixer using Circle Left and Right, Forward and Back, Dosado, Swing and Promenade

Kiwi Ring

Kiwi Ring is an 80-count Scottish Country Dance Mixer from New Zealand. Both ladies and gents dance a figure eight around their partner and corner. Partners change using a Clap, Stamp and Pull By sequence.

Jenny Reel

Jenny Reel is a 64-count mixer using groups of three couples and a scatter promenade. The calls are Circle Left and Right, Right-Hand Star, Swing and Promenade.

Hyll’s Phrase Craze

A simple 32-count mixer using walk, face and back away, clap 3 and stamp 3, Dosado, and Swing. Although designed written for a specific piece of music, it could be used with other marching music.

High Mountain Mixer

High Mountain Mixer is a 64-count Circle Mixer using the following calls: Circle Left and Right, Lasso Girl, and Dosado

Bubbles Mixer

Bubbles Mixer is a 64-count circle mixer that can be used with many singing calls. It uses Circles, two-dancer Stars, Dosado, Swing and Promenade.

Jiffy Mixer

This is a simple and delightful 32-count mixer, but it needs appropriate music.