Category: Contras

Dos Plus One Trio

This facing trio by Ken Kernen uses “Inside ends Sashay down” and Stars of three.

Three’s Greet

This facing trios dance by Bob Howell uses only “Forward and Stamp 3”, “Circle Six”, “Dosado”, and “Pass Thru”.

Do Ci Dizzy

This dance by Bob Howell is for facing trios or triplets. It uses “right ends Dosado, left ends Dosado, and lines of 3 Dosado”.

Weathervane Promenade

This Sicilian Circle by Glen Nickerson uses “Outsides Promenade In”, “Insides Promenade Out” and a “Weathervane once around and on to the next”.

Scottish Man O’ War

This Sicilian Circle by Vickie Goodloe uses arms turns and a Dip and Dive sequence.

Scones and Tea

The Sicilian Circle by Ken Kernen uses “Star Right and Star Left”, “As Couples Dosado”, and “Swing”.

Pittsfield Circle

This Sicilian Circle by Ken Kernen uses Star Promenades.

Grand Star Circle

This Sicilian Circle by Ron Linnell is a wonderful “wind in the face” dance, but it always takes some careful explanation and a bit of practice. It is not recommended for use at a typical beginner party dance.

First Night Sicilian

This Sicilian Circle by Calvin Campbell has an optional genderless calls version. It includes arm turns, circles and a Dive Thru.

Dip and Dive For Jillian

This Sicilian Circle by Bob Riggs was designed for energetic teenagers and includes “Dip and Dive” four times.