Category: Circle Mixers

Lancashire Reel Modernized

A version of this dance was printed in Northern Junket in October 1978. It appears to be a Traditional Mixer from Northern England. The modernized version adjusts the handedness for a more familiar and smooth action.

Marmaduke Mixer

Like Al’s “Ten O’Clock Mixer” this is a smooth and simple dance pattern. Calls include Forward and Back, opposite direction Single File Promenade, Gypsy, Swing, Promenade.

Haystack Mixer

Haystack Mixer is especially apropos for a square dance party because of the charming barn-dance-theme lyrics. This is a couple dance with Walk forward turn around an back up, Vine apart, and make a Haystack.

C. J. Mixer

C. J. Mixer is named for choreographers Calvin & Judy Campbell, Colorado. Written to preserve an excellent piece of music. Danced mostly by couples in Varsouvianna position with Stars to change partner.