Formation: This is a Solo dance although lines may join hands at times. All begin the dance facing the front of the hall in loose lines.
Music: “Hallelujah”, on Vernon’s Inc. #010 or on Curb WBS8877. This music is about 64 beats per minute. The round dance was popular about 1980 so the records may be difficult
to find now. Other gospel music such as, “Swing Down Chariot” on Cardinal 37, “Swing Low” on Royal 233, or “Promised Land” on Global Music 304 can also be used if you dance one sway or step per two beats.
Download RTF file: Hallelujah!
Intro or
29-32 – – – -; Sway left and right;
1-4 – – – -; – – Turn right and walk;
5-8 – – – -; (Face the front,) Sway left and right;
9-12 – – – -; – – Turn left and walk;
13-16 – – – -; (Face the front,) Forward and point;
17-20 – – – -; – – Back and Touch;
21-24 – – – -; – – Modified Jazz Box;
25-28 – – – -; – – Repeat Box;
29-32 – – – -; – – Sway Left and Right;
1-4 Dancers sway to the left and then to the right four times with hands up snapping fingers, or lines may join hands.
5-8 Dancers individually turn one quarter to the right and, beginning with their left foot, walk forward four steps.
9-12 Dancers individually turn to face the front of the hall and sway left and right four times as in counts 1-4.
13-16 Dances individually turn one quarter to the left and, beginning with their left foot, walk forward four steps.
17-20 Dancers individually turn to face the front of the hall and, beginning with their left foot, walk forward three steps and point forward with their right foot.
21-24 Dancers backup three steps (right, left, right) and touch with their left foot beside their right.
25-28 Dancers step forward on their left, step beside their left on their right, cross the left in front of their right and step on it, and then step back on their right.
29-32 Repeat counts 25-28.
Choreography by: (Unknown)
Source: Printed in CD Journal, June 2005
Usage: This is an easy, slow dance except for the Modified Jazz Box. Where tangled feet might be a problem, replace the two boxes with a repeat of the forward three and touch, back three and touch action of counts 17-24.
This page from http://dances.callerlab.org (CALLERLAB Dance Resource).