Appalachian Trail Mixer
There a several quick changes in direction so it requires a good focus and quick reaction time.
There a several quick changes in direction so it requires a good focus and quick reaction time.
A circle mixer with a solo grand square action.
64-count mixer adaptable to music of your choice
This Quadrille has an unusual action of Balancing in a Thar formation.
This is a simple, peppy dance with several clever variations.
This dance was especially written for 6th grade students. It teaches the dancers actives, inactives, and ends cross-over skills.
This is Bob Dalsemer’s variation on the original Jefferson and Liberty dance. It includes Dosado and Swing.
This is probably the historical dance from which the other Jefferson dances evolved.
Designed for contra dancers with some experience. The interesting gimmick is the ladies slide across as the gents turn to reverse the Star.
This is one of the best Duple Contra options for use at Beginner Dances. It can be danced either as a Proper Duple or an Alternate Duple.