Tag: 32-count

Hully Gully

This 32-count Line Dance includes Vines, slow Forward two and Run two, Turn and Kick, Backup and Clap.


This is a mostly easy, one-wall Line Dance with a gospel feel. There is a simple variation.

Clap Slap Line

This is a 32-count, three-quarter turn Line Dance. It is simple and peppy dance with western flavor.

California Strut

This is a 32 beat, one-wall line dance. The steps include forward and back, rock, and solo roll.

Baby Likes to Rock It

This is a 32-count, quarter turn Line Dance with, Tilts, Side Touches, and Vine.

Wild Turkey

This one-way trio mixer by Bob Howell uses “center turn dancer on the right by the right and turn dancer on the left by the left”.

Theil’s Trio

This one-way trio mixer by Jack Theil uses walk, back up, claps, stamps, “center turn dancer on right by the right, and center turn dancer on left by left”.

New Craze

This one-way trio or small group dance by Ken Kernen uses walk, backup, stamps, claps, and Stars.

San Antonio Stroll

This no partner, circle dance uses Vine Left and Right, and Forward 3 and Kick. There is also a Mixer variation.

Stay Young

This no partner, circle dance by Jerry Helt uses Circle Left, Side Close, Walk diagonally left and back out on the same path, and the same to the right.