Tag: 64-count

Mason’s Apron Trio

This facing trio by Ken Kernen is a simplification of a Scottish Country dance by the same name. It uses “Circle Six”, “Ends Dosado”, and “Centers Star Right with their right-hand two, then Star Left with their left-hand two”. There is a Triplet version.

General Bradford’s Charge

This facing trio by Mary Jo Bradford has lots of action. It uses Circles, Arm Turns, Stars, and a clap sequence. There is a triplet version.

Dos Plus One Trio

This facing trio by Ken Kernen uses “Inside ends Sashay down” and Stars of three.

Texas Shootout

This one-way trio mixer by Bob Howell uses “Right hands high and the left two under”, Stars and Circles.

Rebecca’s Roundabout

This one-way trio mixer by Hugh Ripon uses Circles, Stars, and “Centers duck thru and go right, duck thru and go left, duck thru and move on (and/or change places)”.

Blue Bird

This is a singing game dance for children up to 6th grade.

Wheels Quadrille

Properly prompted and properly danced, this quadrille is an elegant use of Grand Square without partner changes. It also uses both “Ladies Chain” and “Right and Left Thru”.

Grand Square Six Quadrille

This quadrille by Jack Murtha uses “Grand Square Six Steps”.

Happy Sounds Quadrille

This quadrille by Ken Kernen uses “Grand Square” along with a partner change.

Ladies’ Star Turn

This quadrille by Tony Parkes uses Ladies Star with arm turns and Dosado.