Every Where Mixer
A simple mixer adaptable to another piece of music.
A simple mixer adaptable to another piece of music.
A simple mixer using polka steps or two-steps.
A classic family waltz paired with a Grand Right and Left
A popular mixer, but it is a bit tricky and should be saved for dancers with some experience.
This is a lively 32-count mixer (or not) using Heel and Toe in a simple sequence .
This is a simple mixer with just a bit of footwork.
This mixer has some footwork that will need some practice.
This no partner, circle dance uses Vine Left and Right, and Forward 3 and Kick. There is also a Mixer variation.
Sunshine Mixer is a 32-count circle mixer using Walk Forward, Side Close, Claps and Dosado.
This is a variation of Island in the Sun designed for senior dancers. Partners maintain handholds for Promenade, Ladies Pull Out, Gents Pull In, Side Touches, and Clockwise Turn.